Your Evergreen Chamber

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Nancy Judge Headshot

Nancy Judge

Evergreen Chamber Mission

The mission of the Evergreen Chamber of Commerce is to grow our local economy by building business and relationships, promoting the community and representing local concerns with our county government. Located at The Stone House Business Center off Highway 74, 1524 Belford Court in Evergreen, the Chamber also serves as a visitor center, welcoming new residents and tourists to the area. Visit or call 303.674.3412 for more information.


I Resolve…

Resolutions are often about self-improvement. Even if something along the lines of “get involved in the community” makes your list, the underlying thread of that is still improving the person who you are. If every single person became a more kind individual who helped...

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When Did It Become Fall?

Phew! Did it seem like the summer was crazy busy, or is it just me? Does it also seem like summer went by in a flash? The colors have changed, and my thoughts are moving on to the holidays. I am feeling whiplash… anyone else? Since I have not figured out a way to slow...

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Time for Adult Fun

The kids are back in school and the routine should be well established at this point, so there are no excuses for missing an evening of fun that will have you home in time to oversee bedtime! Taste of Evergreen is Tuesday, September 17 at the Evergreen Lake House....

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An Opportunity for a Taste

I am not an adventurous eater. I can try to blame my mother who did all the cooking during my childhood years, but I should have expanded my options as I hit my twenties. I did not. So, when I order, I tend to have one or two favorites at each restaurant. But I am...

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What a Chamber Is NOT and What a Chamber IS…

There has been discussion of late on a local Facebook page on the role that a Chamber of Commerce plays in a community. While Chambers across the country all try to fulfill similar roles, the way we go about it can vary based on the needs of the community. Another...

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Foothills 4th

Evergreen will once again be a great place to be on July 4th. Once you finish the Mount Evans 5K, join Evergreen Park and Recreation and your Evergreen Chamber of Commerce for old-fashioned fun for the whole family at the Buchanan Ball Fields from noon to 8 pm. Kids:...

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Simply the Best…

We are so fortunate to have so many members of our community who have given their blood, sweat and tears to lift this community up and provide us with legacies that enrich our lives so tremendously. This year, the Evergreen Chamber of Commerce was honored to induct...

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That Elusive Work-Life Balance…

I used to think when my children were toddlers that life was so busy and there were not enough hours in the day. When they were school age and had sports and other activities they needed to be driven to, I knew life could not get busier! I am not sure when this...

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Fourth of July Is BACK!

There has been a void in our community for the past few years on July 4. Many of us run or walk the Mount Evans Freedom Run and then we go home! That is changing this year. Stay tuned for more details to come, but do not make plans to go out of town this year....

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Don’t Let Winter Doldrums Get You Down….

Last year, your Evergreen Chamber brought you a day of whimsy and fun called “Chill Out.” This event is back and bigger than last year with the partnership of Caldwell Insurance as our Title Sponsor. To grow this event, the Chamber is partnering with Evergreen Park...

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Starting Fresh….

The new year offers the opportunity for new beginnings, and while I am not a fan of making resolutions, there is value to a clean slate, a fresh start. If you are looking to improve your fitness level, outdoor recreation abounds in our community. Beyond that,...

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