I am often asked what it is like as President of the Evergreen Chamber. My first response is always that we have so many wonderful small business owners that it is a pleasure to work with them. I will bet that for many of us who live in this community, we all know a few of these owners—the owners are all so present at their businesses and take such an interest in their patrons. As you finish your last minute shopping for this holiday season, please think of that owner who stops at your table to make sure your meal was as you wanted, and the owner who is behind the counter ringing up your purchases, and that owner who answered the phone when you called their office because they are short staffed. There are so many ways to support local and I cannot encourage you enough to do all you can to keep your holiday gift-giving from local vendors. If you cannot find the perfect item in stock, gift cards are always available. And do not hesitate to thank these small business owners for continuing to keep their shelves full and their doors open. A town full of empty buildings is not a place I want to live. I look forward to bumping into many of you as I finish my last minute shopping!
As you saw for the cover article, the ice sculptures are up and available for you and your family to enjoy. We appreciate the partnership of the businesses who have sponsored these works of art. Don’t forget, if you have little ones, you can access Santa reading holiday classics on the Evergreen Chamber’s YouTube page from last year. Rabbi Jamie also does a beautiful telling of the Hanukkah story.
Please be sure to check the Evergreen Chamber calendar on our website for an ongoing list of fun events to add to your calendar.
Anytime you have questions about what is happening, need a recommendation for services, or need the actual date of a public event, visit our website or call our office. We are here to help. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Find us at EvergreenChamber.org. Call anytime: 303.674.3412, and shop local!
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, Jan 5, 7:30-9 am
Monthly Breakfast
IN PERSON at El Rancho Restaurant
TOPIC: Evergreen Chamber will present on ways to be involved in your Chamber.
$15 Members, $20 Not-Yet Members For Those Registered in Advance. At the Door: $25 Members, $30 Not-Yet Members
Thursday, Jan 13, 5-7 pm
“Business Unplugged”
After Hours Business Mixer
Location: Lariat Lodge
$5 Members
$10 Not-Yet Members, Register in Advance
Wednesday, Jan 26
8-9 am and 5-6 pm
Small Group Networking
Locations revealed closer to date.
Register in Advance
Thursday, Jan 27, 6 pm
Young Professionals Group
Location: TBD, Register in Advance, Free