Publisher’s Ponderings

Featured Author

Doug Kinzy


With a master’s in electronic engineering, Doug worked for major companies in that field before switching to real estate for 12 years. From that experience, he hatched the idea for Colorado Serenity and never looked back. Over years past, Doug filled his spare time with mountain climbing, skiing, cycling and programming. He now fills his time working with his wife, Serenity editor Holly Jorgensen, making Serenity the best it can be while occasionally running off to favorite Colorado hideouts.


Something Difficult

Life’s journey is littered with choices between taking the easy road or the one more difficult. We often find the choice is driven by pragmatism—i.e. “This is not that important to me. I need to find the easiest way to move on.” But, what if you find that nothing is...

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AI Will Soon Eat Itself

I recently read an article about the Civil War battle at Antietam. The battle occurred on September 17, 1862 and has become known as the single bloodiest day in U.S. history with 23,000 total casualties, even surpassing the total casualties on D-Day when Allied forces...

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What Others Think

Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway. —John Wayne Well, you may not know this, but there’s things that gnaw at a man worse than dyin’. —Charlie Wait If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try. —Seth Godin If you can’t explain it simply, you...

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The Toughest Man…

As I have gotten older, I have taken to taking stock of long lost friends. Here is what I wrote about one in the January issue of 2018. Last week, Jim Harrell finally found a challenge he could not overcome. A rare lung infection took advantage of his lungs that had...

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The Super Bowl

I want to mention how much I appreciate the Super Bowl. And, this comes from a guy who has never played a down of football... for obvious reasons. LOL! And it’s not that I love and/or appreciate the game and its rules, which are much easier to understand than hockey....

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Sharing My Wisdom

Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. — Jim Rohn Someone asked me the other day, “How do you guys deal with the stress of putting Serenity together every month?” Every month is pretty much a blank slate. We have just a partial idea what...

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Giving Back…

A few days ago Ryan, owner of Lam Tree Service, and I walked our property to assess the degree of our pine beetle infestation. He has an amazing knowledge of not only pine beetle behavior, but forest management in general. It was easy to sense that Ryan was giving...

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Walk Away Quietly…

"Walk away quietly in any direction and taste the freedom of the mountaineer. Camp out among the grasses and gentians of glacial meadows, in craggy garden nooks full of nature's darlings. Climb the mountains and get their good tidings, nature's peace will flow into...

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The Promise

Living with Holly through the passing of her mother has been quite an experience. I now realize how easy I had it when my mother passed away several years ago. When the time came, one of my sisters moved in with mom as a full-time caregiver. Another sister took over...

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Wash Your Spirit Clean!

Keep close to Nature's heart... and break clear away, once in a while, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean. — John Muir

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Shorts and Sandals

After reading about the multitude of fires in Canada and how dry their forests are, I was about to write a column on how fortunate we are to have received so much rain this year and how much I love the rain. When I mentioned it to Holly, her immediate response was,...

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Body of Knowledge

The tiger salamander was declared the Colorado State Amphibian in March 2012, after a sustained campaign initiated by the John Babiak family of Denver. It turns out that the tiger salamander is also the state amphibian of Kansas and Illinois.  The tiger salamander is...

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