A huge thank you to our community for your support of local businesses and nonprofits this past year. It has been a difficult year for so many of our business owners, but this community has stepped up to ensure that our favorite shops, eateries and services are all here this holiday season. Many businesses see traffic slow down in January and February, so we will all need to keep that in mind once the holidays are over. We at the Evergreen Chamber are blessed to be part of this amazing community doing what we can to assist the local economy.
Still working on last minute gift ideas? The Chamber website allows you to purchase $25 gift cards to many area businesses from the comfort of your home—all in one transaction! So visit our site to purchase those gift cards. While you are there, you will also find a list of local eateries with all the information you need to Take Out, Take Over!
Have you read the cover story on PAGE 18 of this month’s Serenity? While the Evergreen Chamber is disappointed to not be able to host the annual Skate the Lake celebration this year, we are excited to have been able to quickly pivot and offer“A Storybook Holiday in Evergreen,” bringing beautiful ice sculptures all throughout the community to be enjoyed on your own schedule.
Anytime you have questions about what is happening, need a recommendation for services, or need the actual date of a public event, visit our website or call our office. We are here to help. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Find us at EvergreenChamber.org. Call anytime: 303.674.3412.
While you are out enjoying the winter ice sculptures, stop into the eateries and shops and make a nice dent in your holiday shopping.
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, Jan. 6, 8-9 am
Monthly Breakfast Virtual meeting with presentation on the Evergreen Chamber membership survey results
Thursday, Jan. 14, 5-7 pm
Monthly Mixer TBD, dependent on county health restrictions
Tuesday, Jan. 19, 3-4:30 pm Quarterly Nonprofit Meeting Details forthcoming