50 and Fabulous!
In honor of the 50th anniversary of the Evergreen Chamber supporting local business, throughout the month of August we are spending $50 each business day at our local establishments. You can buy a lot for $50, and $50 can truly make a difference right here in town.
Over $1000 goes right back into the community we love and support. We will be posting pictures of what you can buy for $50 on our social media to showcase the breadth and depth of what there is right here in our mountain community. Do you prefer to shop online? Almost every store in town has an online option and you can find their websites and contact information right on the Evergreen Chamber website.
Leading by example and putting our money where our mouth is—that is what makes celebrating 50 so fabulous. We are asking you to join together with the Evergreen Chamber and show our local businesses some love. The combined effort of our entire community will bring us further along the road to economic recovery.
What will happen to the $1000 worth of the items and gift cards we purchase? We are giving them away! It is our birthday and our gift is to pay it forward. When visiting a local business, we will post on Facebook where you can find us to come get a $50 prize from that business. All you need to do is show us a receipt for $50 spent in Evergreen and we will hand the $50 to the first person who comes by! We ask that you take a picture of what your $50 buys, so we can share with others. Tell your friends about the treasures you find and encourage them to spend $50!
Evergreen has approximately 9000 households. If each household spent $50 at a local restaurant or retail shop, that would bring $450,000 into our economy. Spend $50 on food, clothing, gifts, flowers, sports equipment, pet supplies, books, art, classes, exercise, massage, gift cards and more to make a difference.
Our messages and requests of our community are all about shopping local. Why is that important? When you shop local, you are helping a little girl get dance lessons; you are helping a homeowner pay his/her mortgage, you are helping a family pay for college; you are helping a single parent put food on the table. COVID-19 has thrown us all into a socially and economically challenging place. Bottom line, we want our lives to be back the way they were, and someday, we will be able to go out and get together like we did last summer. In the meantime, it will take us all to step up our habits of buying local to keep our mountain community stable and ready for future prosperity. The Evergreen Chamber of Commerce is honored to lead the way, hand-in-hand, with our community toward that prosperity.
Please join your Evergreen Chamber in continuing to support local business. Do you have a business that is not yet a member of the Chamber? Give us a call. We would love to share with you how we can help increase your exposure, get connected and find your most valuable asset—the customer. We are here to promote our community, build business and relationships. The Chamber has grown steadily over the last six years and we are proud of our members, our not-yet members and our residents.
Stay in touch with your neighbors and our local businesses. Anytime you need a recommendation for a doctor, massage therapist, restaurant or retail store, the Evergreen Chamber staff is here to assist you. Call our office, go to our website, follow us on Facebook, and enjoy our mountain community to the fullest.