With the passing of my father less than two weeks ago, I am being reminded on a daily basis of the gifts of grace and growth that come from loss. Grief is inevitable, but there are so many opportunities to expand and discover things about oneself as well as others. People can surprise you—the amount of support you may receive, sometimes from the most unexpected sources. And it can be amazing how much more strength one finds deep down when things seem quite literally impossible.
The old “Life is a journey, not a destination” phrase resoundingly rang in my ears a lot over the past few weeks, reminding me to pause, breathe, and take time to see and appreciate the gifts I was being presented with. Trust me, not an easy task when you’re in the throes of it, but doable if you train yourself. I’m still a human in training and will be until the day I die (as are we all), but in this month of Thanksgiving, I thought I would share those brief thoughts and also wish everyone a beautiful Thanksgiving holiday. Don’t forget to be grateful and to share your love and appreciation for those you love. Time is fleeting on the earthly plane!