Colorado Corral

Featured Author

Heather McWilliams


Heather is a lifelong horse enthusiast and Evergreen native. She writes the Colorado Corral column to connect the local horse community. Whether you have horses or just think they are amazing animals, this column is for you. Reach out if you have a horse-related idea for an article! Contact Heather at [email protected].


Manage Your Land With a Track System

Green grass in Colorado is a scarce and valuable resource for our animals, but how do we keep our horses from overgrazing every blade and turning our property into a dirt lot?  The Colorado climate cannot sustain horses for very long without ruining the native...

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Helping Horses, Sport, and People

Equine Assisted Therapy Looking for some horse time? How about a way to make horses more affordable? Do you enjoy watching or competing in an equestrian discipline? Your time is valuable and is needed more than you know! As a horse person, I often hear from people who...

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Impact of the Equine Industry on the U.S. and World Economy

Every few years, different organizations study the numbers of horses and the impact that the horse industry has on the economy locally, nationally and worldwide. Having this information demonstrates the value of the equine industry in the national, state and world...

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Summer Schedule 2024

Trail riding at Staunton State Park. I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it. —Pablo Picasso READY, SET, GO! The busy horse season in Colorado is here! Here are a lot of fun and supportive opportunities in our area to check...

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Don’t Drink the Water!

Many horse owners in the foothills communities, along the Front Range, and even throughout the State of Colorado give no thought about the legality of the source of water for their horses.  Whether it be a “frost free” spigot, a garden hose running from the...

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The Colorado Horse Park Is Back!

Jumper show at CHP with Pikes Peak backdrop. “The intention is that there is something at Bayou Gulch Open Space for all horse groups... ” The Colorado Horse Park(CHP) traces its roots back to 1992 when it was established by the visionary, Helen Krieble, under the...

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What’s in a Name?

Horse names are a fascinating topic to dive into, and there is a lot of fun to be had this time of year as you might be brainstorming a name for that impending foal. There is the registered name, the barn name or nickname, and sometimes, if the owner didn’t prefer the...

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4-H: Still Helping Grow Well-Rounded Kids

Practice Ride at McKeever Arena in Conifer. In our mountain community, sports are often the go-to for school age kids’ extracurricular activities. Although, 4-H continues to offer another option to learn leadership, citizenship and life skills. Six and a half million...

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Celebrate Your Wins!

As we wrap up 2023, it’s time to celebrate our wins with our equine partners, no matter the size! Sometimes wins are doing well at Championships; sometimes a win might be walking 10 minutes on a horse coming back from an injury. Enjoy the photos, no matter the...

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Grateful for Horses

Grateful for Galloping! “Horses have been my greatest teachers... ” Every day, there is so much to be thankful for in so many ways. As horse folk, we know it is a privilege to share the space we do with them, and it is not easy to find the places, the time and the...

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DiscoverTheHorse, Five Years In!

In the October 2018 issue, we started on a journey to “Discover The Horse” with local equestrian Alyssa Mathews. We had a chance to catch up with Alyssa exactly five years later and find out about where her journey has taken her. Enjoy! What is DiscoverTheHorse? It is...

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Help for a Horse-Crazy Kid

Let them grow up with horses and with good horse people, because it will teach them to be humble, and to be resilient, and to be brave.  —Lauren Sprieser Every so often, I get a call from a parent looking for help for their horse-crazy kid. If one or both of the...

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