Art Scene

Featured Author

Sandy Hoban


Sandy Hoban has always been a keen observer of life. Born and raised a Jersey girl, she lived a colorful childhood which she documented in countless journals. Somewhere between the journals of her youth and her current essays, writing became a necessary elixir for a positive life. As a longtime educator, writer, mother, and DU grad student, Sandy continues to use personal narratives as a means to reflect, connect, laugh and inspire others.


Beverley Harper Tinsley

The beauty of life is the journey it can take you on if you allow it. Evergreen watercolorist Beverley Harper Tinsley had a lifetime of experiences before she found her artistic talent. Her boldly colored artwork explores the nature and beauty of the world that...

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Emily Dwan

Emily Dwan’s artistic mission is to spread positivity and a connection with nature through her emotional compositions. After one glance at her work, there is no denying she has accomplished this goal with each painting providing an adventure for the eyes. In addition...

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Jon Koenigsberg

Contemporary artist Jon Koenigsberg knew he had a gift at an early age. Growing up on a farm in Iowa, there was little to do that fed his creativity. With three older brothers and a little sister romping about, Jon had little privacy. In an effort to “make things that...

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Terry Shapiro

Terry Shapiro The old saying goes, if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life. Photographer Terry Shapiro is a testament to this truth. After 50 years in the photography business, Terry still rises early to capture the landscape bliss that surrounds...

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Bonnie Schechter-Orin

Bonnie Schechter-Orin Evergreen local Bonnie Schechter-Orin redefines the traditional quilt through her innovative use of fabrics, color and design. Her finished pieces look more like paintings than quilts, until you look closely and realize every piece is carefully...

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Frances Listou

When Frances Listou’s husband gifted her a large piece of alabaster with a hammer and a few chisels, she never expected to spend the next 30 years fueling her creativity through stone. After spending a lovely fall afternoon in her Evergreen home gallery, it became...

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Linda Dollahan

The “junk” you and I might place in recycling, or toss after cleaning out the garage, is a gold mine for Morrison mixed-medium artist Linda Dollahan. One glance at her artwork and it is easy to assume she has been creating her entire life, when the truth is, she is a...

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Creativity Lives Here

When like-minded people with a sincere mission get together, magic happens. And magic is currently brewing at the recently formed Evergreen Creative District (ECD). Creative Districts are typically implemented in larger cities such as Denver, New York or Santa Fe,...

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Susie Hyer

Susie Hyer Deep in the heart of Evergreen lives acclaimed artist Susie Hyer. Born and raised in Roseland, New Jersey, Susie’s interest in all things creative began at an early age. Much of her youth was spent outside, which inspired her passion for nature and the...

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Julie Sims

An artist is someone who thrives within a medium and brings life to that which she touches. Art can come in many forms, from mosaics to paint, or dance to jewelry creation. Local artisan Julie Sims brightens the lives of those who wear her handcrafted jewelry pieces....

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Art for Resident Enjoyment at Elk Run

Sometimes, all it takes is a large heart and vision to positively influence the lives of dozens of people—who will, in turn, pass along those positive vibes, creating a lovely cycle of charismatic energy everyone deserves to feel, especially the elderly. Elk Run...

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Ted Garcia

The genesis story of every creative individual is unique; Evergreen artist Ted Garcia is no different. From a young, punk teen with little direction to the soft-spoken, humble and accomplished artist of today, Ted Garcia’s story is one to behold. Self-discipline,...

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