The most asked question the Evergreen Chamber of Commerce receives all year long is “Where are the elk?” While we receive some very interesting questions, this is by far the topic on the minds of both residents and visitors. I have heard that there is even a local Facebook group dedicated to this topic. While the elk do not check in with us to let us know where they intend to be grazing, all the Chamber staff live in this community and we are often out and about in our member businesses, so we have the opportunity to see where the elk are on any given day.
Since the topic of elk is so common in our office and in the community, we thought we would create an event around it to entice folks from down the hill up to see all kinds of elk! “Where Are the Elk?” will partner local artists with local businesses by placing an artist’s rendering of elk at the business for display. These displays all over our community will be open to the public during the business’s hours of operation beginning the weekend of August 7 through September 6, at which time all of the artwork will be brought to the Evergreen Lake House to be available for viewing during the Taste of Evergreen on September 9. We love the opportunity to highlight artists in our community while serving our business members by helping to bring the community to them. Our hope is that while enjoying wonderful art, you will become more familiar with our area businesses. All the details on locations of each of the art installations will be available on the Chamber website at
Along those lines of unusual communication, I recently received an email which said, “Evergreen is named a Dreamtown.” I first thought it was spam, but I was curious enough to click on it and read that author G. Scott Thomas has recently published a book entitled, “Dreamtowns: The 209 Small Towns Where You Can Live Your Best Life.” Evergreen, CO, our little mountain town that we call home, is No.7 on that list! Personally, I am not so sure about some of the six who are rated higher, but I have not visited all of them and I have not lived in any of them. The comments on Evergreen include:
—“It appears unassuming from the road, but exit here and wind your way into town and you’ll find a quaint town with both mountain and lake activities.”
—“Evergreen trumpets its mountain-town feeling as a major attribute, promising easy access to golf courses, hiking trails, and lakes.”
I thought it appropriate that the Chamber have a copy of this new book, so I quickly ordered it to read all the other accolades the author must surely lavish on Evergreen—we are in the top 10, after all, and so many cities do not even make this book. You are welcome to purchase your own copy, but what I have shared above is the crux of the praise. There are many sublists on different topics, but many seem like fillers to me. The moral of the story is: Go Live Your Best Life—right here in Evergreen!
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Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, June 30
8-9 am or 5-6 pm
Monthly 4M
In-Person (8 people/location) gathering Location TBA $5 Members
$10 Not-Yet Members
Wednesday, July 7, 7:30-9 am
Monthly Breakfast
IN PERSON at El Rancho Restaurant with presentation on “Fire Protection and Mitigation. Where are we as a Community?” $15 Members $20 Not-Yet Members For Those Registered in Advance. At the Door: $25 Members
$30 Not-Yet Members
Every Friday, 4:30-5:30 pm
“PBR – Patios, Banter & Refreshments” End of Week Mixer
Each Friday at a different restaurant patio or deck. Look for locations on our website events calendar and on social media.
Thursday, July 8, 5-7 pm
“Business Unplugged”
After Hours Business Mixer
Location TBD $5 Members
$10 Not-Yet Members