Now is the time to plug into the Conifer Chamber and take advantage of the resources that are available to help grow your business. The Conifer Chamber has over 300 members. Our members recognize the value of being a part of something bigger, an organization to help them connect with the community, to increase their visibility, to advocate for their business and to provide educational skill building opportunities. Becoming a Conifer Chamber member is a great opportunity to increase the reputation and reach of your business.
This month, we want to recognize local businesses, organizations and individuals that made a difference in our Chamber and our community this past year. Our first task force team that jumped into action was the Mountain Area Economic Impact Team. This team of members jumped in to advocate for our community. We met weekly with our state and local representatives. I wanted to highlight and thank those members: Mark Major with Inglenook Energy, Mic Helms with My Computer WoRx, Bill Aubin with Optive Commercial Capital, Mindy Hansen with AlphaPixel Reach, Mark Spiroff with Conifer Radio, Jodi Dolph with Keller Williams Foothills Real Estate, Keith Odom with Wireless Planet, Davis Linden with Edward Jones, Betsy Hays with the Evergreen Chamber (at the time) and Matt Dambrosky with Chimney Doctors. This team of people was crucial to the success of our community and our businesses walking through the pandemic. These members made phone calls to countless businesses, offered classes on funding and how to pivot a business. They advocated for testing sites to be set up in our mountain community, for PPE supplies, and ran a PPE drive, they sat on countless numbers of Zoom calls talking about federal funding, advocating for funding from our county, and then got on even more Zoom calls with other businesses to answer questions and guide them on the next steps. This team was AMAZING and I am so appreciative of their help and support.
As things began to open up, the Chamber pulled together another task force called the Relaunch Team. Creative juices were used as this team created opportunities to let the community know businesses were reopened, from step-by-step guides on how to reopen safely to classes on updating your Google profile, as well as the Eat Local campaign to support local businesses and a Shop Local Gift Card push to support retail stores. We switched gears from planning our big community events like Elevation Celebration to creating events to encourage the community to get out and shop locally. The Summer Scavenger Hunt was launched in June, the Leaf Peeping campaign in September, the Holiday Gift Guide and Window Decorating competition for both businesses and residents and, most recently, the Chocolate Walk. I have so much gratitude for this group of people and thank them for all their hard work. This team includes Karey Heydman with Keller Williams Foothills Real Estate, Jodi Dolph with Keller Williams Foothills Real Estate, Denise Bromberger with Image Marketing Specialists, Sharon Trilk from, Julie Dikken with Macaroni Kid, and Mary Thuente with Conifer Physical Therapy.
To all the Conifer Chamber members and our community members that bought gift cards, ordered take out, shopped locally whenever possible to support our local businesses—THANK YOU! I know there are so many who stepped up to help out wherever possible. THANK YOU!