The Blizzard of 2003
By the time you read this, we will know how the 2021 Blizzard compares with the 2003 Blizzard. Back then, I was living in my log cabin when Mother Nature dropped about 2 feet of snow on each of three consecutive days.
The morning when it finally quit, I thought about venturing out and was greeted by a wall of snow blocking the front door. Below is a photo of my Jeep so buried in the driveway that you couldn’t tell it was even there.
Fortunately, I never lost power. And, I had a terrific woodburning stove, a giant stash of firewood inside the cabin and plenty of food.
It took the entire first day of being snowbound to clear the deck so that I could start thinking about shoveling the driveway.
With no cell phone service and a downed land line, I was completely isolated for five days. Basically, it was shovel snow, eat and watch TV.
As time went on, the snow compacted to the point where I couldn’t “shovel” it. I had to cut it into blocks and lift them over the tunnel that was slowly becoming a driveway.
Life became a routine of work on the driveway, retreat to the cabin to rest and stoke the woodstove, eat and recover in my clawfoot tub.