I’d like to start off this month by expressing my appreciation for all the love I received on last month’s column. I have been way busier than I like to be since the May issue delivered and I haven’t had a chance to personally respond to the messages I received, but I will still try and respond to them after this issue. Here’s hoping this month will calm down a bit for me!
We never really know for sure what’s going to resonate with people (or trigger them, for that matter!) when Doug and I sit down to write our columns. Sometimes we get lots of love and approval, sometimes we get crickets (which works just fine for us!), and occasionally we get haters (which is expected, because everyone has an opinion—you know the ol’ saying about that!). It is the nature of this business to reach a broad range of people, and in doing so, you know there’s no way you’re going to please them all. It is with that understanding that we are able to do what we do month after month: keep our heads down and put out the best local publication we can with a wide variety of content to engage as many community members as possible. It’s our job, it’s our business, and it’s what we know. And we remain fairly immune to any negativity. It’s like water off a duck’s back! It’s actually quite easy when you’re publishing a magazine called Colorado Serenity!
However, I have to admit, one of the things that baffles yet amuses us is the tiny number of people who occasionally demand to be removed from our distribution citing that they don’t want Serenity in their mailboxes. The myopic few have apparently never considered the tens of thousands in our distribution area who do want Serenity, but instead just demand that we change our whole business model of how we distribute the magazine so they don’t have to have a Serenity show up in their mailboxes… once a month… 12 times a year. We scratch our heads over this every time we are loading up our recycling can at home with the piles of grocery store circulars, catalogs, large postcards and other local publications which come on the daily! There is simply no logic to these complaints, when recycling couldn’t be easier, but we have come to the conclusion that perhaps there are some people with a lot of time on their hands these days?
But, all in all, we are so grateful Serenity is enjoyed by the masses here and we will never be deterred by a few malcontents. This community is changing a little every year, and there are many new people moving in, especially within the last few years, but it will always be a beautiful and serene place to reside, and we will continue to provide a publication worthy of its members. We’ve been around for well longer than many of you have lived here and we’re here to stay. We thank you (except that handful… LOL) for your support and wish a hearty welcome to all you newcomers!